
Our Frog-Skin World

"The green frog skin- that's what I call a dollar bill. In our attitude toward it lies the biggest difference between Indians and whites...
     ..."Each day you can see ranch hands riding over this land. They have a bagful of grain hanging from their saddle horns, and whenever they see a prairie-dog hole they toss a handful of oats in it, like a kind little old lady feeding the pigeons in one of your city parks. Only the oats for the prairie dogs are poisoned with strychnine. What happens to the prairie dog after he has eaten this grain is not a pleasant thing to watch. the prairie dogs are poisoned, because they eat grass. A thousand of them eat up as much grass in a year as a cow. So if the rancher can kill that many prairie dogs he can run one more head of cattle, make a little more money. When he looks at a prairie dog he sees only a green frog skin getting away from him.
     "For the white man each blade of grass or spring of water has a price tag on it. And that is the trouble, because look at what happens. The bobcats and coyotes which used to feed on prairie dogs now have to go after a stray lamb or a crippled calf. The rancher calls the pest-control officer to kill these animals. This man shoots some rabbits and puts them out as bait with a piece of wood stuck in them. That stick has an explosive charge which shoots some cyanide into the mouth of the coyote who tugs at it. The officer has been trained to be careful. He puts a printed warning on each stick reading, "Danger, Explosive, Poison!" The trouble is that our dogs can't read, and some of our children can't either.
     "And the prairie becomes a thing without life- no more prairie dogs, no more badgers, foxes, coyotes. the big birds of prey used to feed on prairie dogs, too. So you hardly see an eagle these days. The bald eagle is your symbol. You see him on your money, but your money is killing him. When a people start killing off their own symbols they are in a bad way.
     "The Sioux have a name for white men. They call them wasicun- fat takers. It is a good name, because you have taken the fat of the land. But it does not seem to have agreed with you. Right now you don't look so healthy- overweight, yes, but not healthy. Americans are bred like stuffed geese- to be consumers, not human beings. The moment they stop consuming and buying, the frog-skin world has no more use for them...Fat-taking is a bad thing, even for the taker. It is especially bad for Indians who are forced to live in this frog-skin world which they did not make and for which they have no use...
     ..."Artists are the Indians of the white world. They are called dreamers who live in the clouds, improvident people who can't hold onto their money, people who don't want to face "reality." They say the same things about Indians. How the hell do these frog-skin people know what reality is? The world in which you paint a picture in your mind, a picture which shows things different from what your eyes see, that is the world from which I get my visions. I tell you this is the real world, not the Green Frog Skin World. That's only a bad dream, a streamlined, smog-filled nightmare.
     "Because we refuse to step out of reality into this frog-skin illusion, we are called dumb, lazy, improvident, immature, other-worldly . It makes me happy to be called "other-worldly," and it should make you so. It's a good thing our reality is different from theirs."

Prose: John (Fire) Lame Deer as told to Richard Erdoes, from their book "Lame Deer Seeker of Visions" 1972. 
Photo: Worthington Glacier, AK. JG 

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