
8 - count

On a clear night you can see for days
While cloudy drinks lick your lips

So tasty

On a journey, once, I saw the moment
Though only once, it's momentary


On a binge you can find small truths
But clouds don't distort, they block


On a train your mind is soothed
This allows one to fully enjoy movement


On a park bench lay the oxymoron
Cloudy dreams crystallize in the daylight

How complete

On a stage all movement is false
It can find no justification for existence


On a clear day you could see mountains
But be careful not to strain in vain


On a dare once, emotions shared
And a glancing blow staggers the champ


Poem: Robert Lescatre
Painting: Charlie J Sprenger age 3


Happy May Day!

If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down, because they are sacrifices for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no petty, limited, selfish joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people.

Prose: Karl Marx, Letter to His Father1837
Painting: Alexander Bogomazov, "Sawyers"